Wispers in my Ear

In the not so long ago, I nearly lost my life, but in that losing, I seem to have found a new one.

Never have I been a poet, nor a writer of any sorts.
But for awhile now I have been talking to myself on paper, not a big deal for most people I would imagine, but definitely out of my comfort zone to be sure.
I write these for myself, but perhaps will share with someone who may ever stumble upon this page and is inclined to read.

I found that sharing is a very good thing :-)

My Homecoming Moon

My Homecoming Moon
Dec.08 2008 5:30 a.m. - I am filled with wonder and love

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

night time thoughts 5-14-09

I am learning how to dance again...my heart is learning how to soar!
Closing my eyes I let the music slowly carry me away.
The universe has taken my hand and asked me to dance.
It is a dance of love and I sing in unison to the music... with my heart!

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