Wispers in my Ear

In the not so long ago, I nearly lost my life, but in that losing, I seem to have found a new one.

Never have I been a poet, nor a writer of any sorts.
But for awhile now I have been talking to myself on paper, not a big deal for most people I would imagine, but definitely out of my comfort zone to be sure.
I write these for myself, but perhaps will share with someone who may ever stumble upon this page and is inclined to read.

I found that sharing is a very good thing :-)

My Homecoming Moon

My Homecoming Moon
Dec.08 2008 5:30 a.m. - I am filled with wonder and love

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Its a difficult thing to talk about when youve seen some of the other side. Though many would pass it off on some of those good drugs provided to me while in my coma, only I know for sure that it happened. Only I know for sure how it has changed my being.

I'm now trying to get some of the words out so that I may share some of that experience to others. Not one second of my life since then, has inwardly been the same. How to describe how that is????? But I am trying, and in the stillness of the night, or when I am so led, words and thoughts come to me, some I know, do need to be shared.

We all need to know that it is going to be "allright" what ever that means, to each of us.
My "allrightness" has come in the form of a peace and understanding beyond any known to me before. Did God finally show himself to me, ...well in a way - yes. Yet, it wasn't being shown, as much as it was to be a part of, the becoming ONE with. Feeling for the first time that I truly got a glimpse of understanding about what it means to be a part of that everything.
How totally cool is that?!!

So I will go on, letting it all unfold where it may. I use to feel so very protective about my private thoughts, yet in the knowing now, realize there are no private thoughts. My heart is open, I want to share that with any who may care to look within. I truly have left what I would call my comfort zone, by putting my heart on an open page, and yet by doing so I find a different kind of comfort, one that keeps me wanting more.........we will see.

Thats it, just a thought or two about where I am going with all of this. I must go now and start my day. Some musings from my recent journaling I want to put here, but will have to save that for another time.

Blessing and love to anyone who may ever somehow find this page

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